Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Holy Cow I'm going to list my first thing ever on ETSY!

This is a paper doll I made after I lost out on bidding on one on eBay.

This is the Easter display I set up in my living room this morning. Oh how I love my Jackson Pottery bunnies! If you click on the picture you can see it in detail.
I'm thinking of using this photo to list my bunny.
SOLD Thanks Mary

This is one taken outside. Kind of a overcast day but it was the best I could do.

Hello fabulous readers! I have been saying for a long time now that I want to start my folk art business. I have an ETSY account set up in my great-grandma's name. Her maiden name was Rosa Emma French. Isn't that a beautiful name? She married my great-grandfather and became Rose Smith. I'm thinking of the business name "Blooming Mind Studio". Mostly because I think I'm out of my blooming mind most of the time.
I want to thank so many of you in "bloglandia" for inspiring me with your creativity and your kind words about my adventures into crafting!

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